Certificate of Deposit Interest Calculator

Welcome to our CD Interest Calculator! This handy tool helps you estimate the interest earned on your Certificate of Deposit (CD) investment.

Using the calculator is simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Principal Amount: This is the initial sum of money you plan to deposit into the CD.
  2. Enter the Annual Interest Rate (%): Input the interest rate offered by the bank or credit union on the CD.
  3. Enter the Term: Choose whether you want to enter the term in “Years” or “Months” using the dropdown menu.
  4. Specify the Term: Enter the duration of the CD investment. If you chose “Years,” provide the number of years; if you chose “Months,” enter the number of months.
  5. Click the “Calculate” button: The calculator will process your inputs and display the estimated interest earned.

The calculator will then compute the interest earned on your CD investment based on the provided information. The result will be shown below the calculator.

CD Interest Calculator

Please note that this calculator provides an estimate and the actual interest earned may vary slightly due to compounding and other factors.